Orchards: A Practical Guide to Orcharding for a changing planet- Event launch

“Orchards: A Practical Guide to Orcharding for a Changing Planet”

From Margaret and Andrew Lear, book authors: “Aimed at all orchardists, from patio to field scale, our book covers everything they need to know from choosing a site and trees, through establishment, pruning and training through to the harvest – and what to do with it! Our emphasis, however, is at least as much on sustainability and care for the wider habitat and biodiversity, as it is on productivity and advocates a holistic, organic approach to managing pests and diseases.  There is a chapter on grafting for those who want to tailor their orchard or learn new skills, and each chapter ends with a tale of orchard lore and tradition.”

Orchards… will be launched at the A.K. Bell Library in Perth on the 14th November 6PM, with a talk and questions and answers, followed by refreshments and book signing. Members of SAP are warmly invited, and are asked in the first instance to email Margaret (margaret.q.lear@gmail.com) so that an official invitation can be sent on to them.